These are a collection of youtube videos that I like! That can range from funny, interesting, or just insightful. As much as I hate google and any proprietary/closed source software companies, I love the people that create and share on youtube. I will try to write a bit as to why I like every video here but there might be times where I don't really have anything to say or I'm too busy to elaborate.
Also, as of rn I'm not going to be categorizing these videos by genre, but I will try to do so in the future when the list gets bigger.
Gonna start off with a bang lol, just recently watched this one and it comes from a place of genuine understanding and sincerity. I'm sympathetic to those who have fallen down the alt-right pipeline becuase I used to be one of those people. It took awhile to get out of that way of thinking and I think it's easy to forget that not everyone in right wing spaces are acting maliciously and with intent to cause harm to those around them and this video is a great example of that. I might write about how I got out of that pipeline in the future and where I stand policitally (tldr: socialist). If I do end up writing about that I will link it here.